Ewa Świć


Nestled within a small Polish town, this florist is a labor of love, carefully curated by a true flower enthusiast. In this serene setting, a profound connection to nature and the meticulous artistry of handcrafting flowers define every bouquet and arrangement. It's a place where passion meets precision, where each petal is chosen with unwavering devotion to detail.

... a place where passion meets precision, where each petal is chosen with unwavering devotion to detail ...


When shaping the visual identity for this flower shop, our main objective was to evoke a sense of sophistication. However, this refined quality was not meant to be misconstrued as ostentation; it needed to preserve the charm of the countryside and a genuine closeness to nature. This project aimed to capture the essence of a place where every bloom is nurtured with love, and the artisanal, countryside touch takes precedence.


In crafting the brand identity for this florist, the focus was on marrying sophistication with artisanal craftsmanship, while maintaining a contemporary edge. The logo, a simple serif font with subtly italicized letters, strikes a balance between tradition and modernity, reflecting the brand's commitment to timeless elegance. A delicate pink was chosen as the accent color, injecting vitality and passion into the brand. Business cards printed on natural cardboard paper convey a rustic, handmade character, complementing the brand's artisanal approach. A custom round stamp, used by the owner, underscores the handmade quality, while the inclusion of a sans-serif, wide font for marketing materials and social media ensures a fresh and versatile brand ready to embrace the digital age. This comprehensive approach captures the essence of the brand, showcasing its authenticity, charm, and adaptability in a design-conscious market.

a simple serif font with subtly italicized letters, strikes a balance between tradition and modernity